ISBO Delegiertenversammlung 2015

Am Donnerstag, 27. August 2015 findet in Berlin die ISBO Jahresversammlung statt.

Die Schweiz wird mit 2 Delegierten aus dem SSB-Vorstand vertreten sein.

Die Traktandenliste hier als PDF:

Invitation ISBO GA 2015_3.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 142.8 KB


Der SSB-Vorstand hat das Ziel, sich an der ISBO-Versammlung für die Interessen der Schweizer Speed Badminton Szene einzusetzen. Folgende Anträge wurden eingereicht:


  1. Swiss Speed Badminton requests to document the Assembly of Delegates of 27.08.2015 verbatim and/or record it (audio/video).
  2. Topic 12 (Invitation) – Rules for Doubles: Swiss Speed Badminton requests to go back to the old possition-rules in doubles, at least in mixed-doubles. We suggest to have two votes on this topic with the following questions:
    • a. Should there be the old possition rules in Open/Women-Doubles back?
    • b. Should there be the old possition rules in Mixed-Doubles back?
  3. Swiss Speed Badminton requests to adapt the vote-system of the members/delegates to the fees each member has to pay.
  4. Swiss Speed Badminton requests to have an additional men-double in the Nations Cup .
  5. Swiss Speed Badminton requests that the tournament fees are paid to the tournament organizer not to the ISBO. Tournament organizers should be more independent instead of total ISBO control – this also gives the chance to hold an unique tournament.
  6. Swiss Speed Badminton requests, that a tournament that was allocated a certain status (250, 500, 1000pts) by the ISBO can not be downgraded afterwards.